Don't let the future blow away,
turn towards a better tomorrow!!
Wind Energy
Print Media

My print media piece is a drink coozie . I used a pepsi can to fit into the coozie for
visual representation. The green outside of the case demonstrates us going green
through wind energy. The font and size on the fact was larger because I wanted people to understand how much energy this produces for our everyday lives. Our slogan had a cursive tilt to it because I wanted another way to represent what our group is fighting for. This media fits our theme because of the slogan, logo, and using wind energy which is going green. Their are several people these days that use coozies for drinks, so this is unique way to reach to people about our problem.

This t-shirt is my print media. I put our logo on the front of the t-shirt so that people know what this t-shirt is representing. The wind turbines on the back of the t-shirt help tie in that this is about wind energy. "Enough power for 25 million homes" proves that wind enery is good which is what we are trying to tell people. This fact is bold and stands out because it is important and we want it to be noticed when people look at the shirt. Everything on the t-shirt ties into our theme because it has to do with wind energy and how wind energy is good for the environment.
I made this bumper sticker so that people would realize wind energy is a big deal. We do not have enough wind turbines, therefore wind is going by not producting energy which in turn damages our planet because we depend so heavily on coal and nuclear energy. Earth needs to go Green otherwise it will end up brown looking disgusting. Wind energy will be the biggest help for helping the environment because it is renewable and the only effect it really has is the space it takes up.

This billboard was designed specifically to attract the audience, and show them just how much wind energy is produced world wide. In the background of the billboard you will see the wind turbines to give an image just what they look like. On the right you will see three facts about wind energy itself, below the facts you will see a persuasive fact. Last but not least, you will see our companies slogan on the lower left hand side of the billboard.