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Wind Energy
Pitch Memo
PSA Pitch Memo - Wind Energy
TO: United States Broadcasting Network
FROM: Justin Gruden, Gaige Tucker, Miranda Kush, Madison Rice
DATE: November 14, 2013
RE: United States Broadcasting Network and Wind Energy Of America
Did you know that Wind Energy is the worlds fastest growing renewable resource? This is a resource that everyone needs to pay more attention to because of the positive impacts it has on our society and environment. Other resources like fossil fuels and nuclear power are becoming to overpowing with there negative effects.
Using these negative resources that we have on our planet puts harmful pollution and economic hardships to our citizens. This source of energy can't be the solution to our energy production. Producing energy for such things like our house and businesses can simply be solved by wind energy.
Starting to improve and use wind energy will allow our country to be more sustainable, renewable, and inexhaustible. This is a move that starts with your help to reach to the citizens of this country. Making a positive difference in your life and the ones around you will allow this country to be more free and renewable.
Making wind energy is simple and clean. Wind turbines, windmills, and windpumps are all great sources for providing energy. They are low in cost to run and a unique way to provide energy forever. Unlike fossil fuels you can continue to use this type of energy on everyday of the week no matter what the circumstances are.
Enclosed you will find our billboard, tee shirt, bumper sticker, and a drink coozie as well as two digital media pieces to play on your networks. These announcements call specificly to the citizens of the United States. This is an urgent action that needs to be looked at by everyone.
Eventhough the amount of wind energy is increasing in this country, we need to take this to a different level. We would love to take an opportunity to discuss all of our solutions and how the United States Broadcasting Network can get involved in this issue.
Viewing our information on your broadcasting network would allow this country to make a positive difference. We would solve a large issue that needs to be fixed quickly. With your support and actions this country would be more energy efficient and self driven.
Inside our website you will find more information regarding to our topic. You are more than welcome to click through all the pages within our website to view the information. Enjoy our print media pieces, digital media pieces, charts & graphs, and most frequently asked questions regarding wind energy. If you have any question, feel free to contact us at 734-121-1111 or via e-mail at

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