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3.  Where is the best place to put up wind turbines?

             Wind turbines are placed everywhere througout the United States. Turbines located by the oceans are typically on flat land at the same elevation level to gather the same wind speeds. Terrestrial wind turbines are located throughout the plains and open lands. Some of these turbines are located on different angles to catch the same wind direction. They can't be on bumpy or uneven terrain because it causes potential wind-blockage, slowing the airspeed throughout the wind farm. Finding the correct location for turbines are crucial in having successful results.


4.  How much land does a wind turbine take up?

            The amount of space that a turbine takes up is very small. It is usually less than 100 square feet, but some turbines require other options like fencing, transformers, and other equipment. The amount of turbines that you have on your farm is another large factor in the amount of space they take up.


5.  Which state creates the most wind energy?

             The state that creates the most wind energy is Texas. Texas accounts for more than 30 percent of wind energy production in the United States. Iowa and California are the second and third states to have a large energy production. California will be installing 600 more wind turbines in the near future. When this is complete they will be the number one state for wind energy production.


6.  What company is number one in selling and supplying turbines in the US?

             General Electric ranks number one in the United States for selling and supplying turbines. They currently have 11,600 wind turbine installations that compromise for more than 18,000 megawatts of capacity. This company also announced last year that they were planning to introduce a 4 MW turbine. This will be a gearless wind turbine for offshore use. GE and other company's are currently developing better methods for creating wind turbines.


7. How long does a Wind Turbine work for?

            Wind turbines can generate electricity for about 20-25 years. At some point during there use, they will be running continuously for 120,000 hours.  In comparison, a car engine lifetime is between 4,000 to 6,000 hours.


 8. When did the whole idea of Wind Energy start?

             The modern wind era began in California in 1980's. It got motivated by the high cost of fossil fuels, nuclear power, environmental concerns, and high taxes. Wind energy avoids these factors, so they believed this was a big solution. Now, wind energy is the largest growing renewable resource in the world.




FAQ for Supporters

Frequently Asked Questions for Supporters

1.  What impacts does wind energy have on the Environment?

             Wind energy is one of the only clean and sustainable ways to generate electricity on earth. The two biggest impacts it has on the environment is there there is no toxic pollution and no global warming emissions. These non harmful impacts will allow us to continue to use this source of energy in the future. The wind is also an abundant, inexhaustible, and affordable resource allowing us to use it more than fossil fuels.

2.  How much does it cost to install and run one wind turbine?

            Today, wind turbines are broken down into 3 areas or categories depending on what you want to buy. These three areas are:

                  1.  Commercial-scale turbines installed today are 2 MW in size. These range from 3 to 4 million                            dollars after installation. 

                  2.  Smaller farm or residential scale turbines cost less, but are more expensive per kilowatt of                               energy producing capacity.  Turbines under 100 kilowatts cost roughly $3,000 to $8,000 per                             kilowatt of capacity.

                  3.  10 kilowatt turbines which is the size needed to power a large home will cost between $50,000                        and $80,000. These prices still can climb depending on the turbine type, height, and company                         that installs the turbine.


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